If you create reports and info-products for your online business they need to be informative and have some kind of structure. Your reports are your presentation to the world. They need to be well written.
Remember in school when you had to write reports and you thought there was no way you’d ever need that knowledge in life. In fact, some of us thought it was downright useless. But later you discover you can make money online by writing and selling special reports and all of a sudden you wish you’d paid more attention in school because you really did need that knowledge.
There are many types of reports and each has its own structure depending on the information that needs to be relayed and who the report is for. Certain government reports have a structure they follow while corporate reports follow different structures. Often times the structure of the report is determined by the type; there’s project reports, financial reports, white papers, analysis reports, empirical, progress and even proposals.
We won’t go into all of those. We’ll simply outline the best way to format a report for readers online who are searching for information. Following a basic format, while giving useful information, will ensure you many return customers.
The first thing your report needs is an introduction. There’s a structure in public speaking that works very well with a report structure as well.
1. Tell them what you’re going to tell them.
2. Tell them.
3. Tell them what you told them.
In your introduction you will simply highlight the key points of the report. You will tell them what you’re going to tell them. This is where you mention the problem you’re addressing and offer solutions. This is just a very brief synopsis.
In section two you will outline the problem. Remind them why they bought the report–the problems they’re trying to solve. Maybe it’s a report on affiliate marketing or traffic conversions.
In section three give them the solutions to their problem. Tell them how they can get more traffic or make more sales in affiliate marketing. Solve their problem. This is the main reason they bought your report–to get solutions to their problems.
In section four explain the benefits of the solutions you’ve just given them. Get them excited about the possibility of reaping the rewards.
The fifth and final section is the conclusion. This is simply a recap of the whole shebang. Highlight the main points. Tell them what you told them.
To recap the structure of a public speech/written report analogy:
1. Tell them what you’re going to tell them. (Introduction)
2. Tell them. (Sections 2, 3 and 4)
3. Tell them what you told them. (Conclusion)
Any time you’re stumped on how to write a report, you can follow a simple outline. This helps organize your material before you start writing.
1. Introduction.
2. Problems.
A. First problem.
B. Second problem.
C. Third problem.
A. First problem.
B. Second problem.
C. Third problem.
3. Solutions.
A. Solution to problem one.
B. Solution to problem two.
C. Solution to problem three.
A. Solution to problem one.
B. Solution to problem two.
C. Solution to problem three.
4. Benefits.
A. Benefits of solution one.
B. Benefits of solution two.
C. Benefits of solution three.
A. Benefits of solution one.
B. Benefits of solution two.
C. Benefits of solution three.
5. Conclusion – Wrap it all up into a simple paragraph or two.
Following a simple outline format like the one above will give you the advantage of creating better reports for your readers and customers.