Saturday, 12 November 2011

The importance of getting away from the pc and enjoying life

I thought it would be fitting to talk about ‘the importance of getting away from the pc and enjoying life’ on the day before i leave to go travelling around beautiful new zealand for 3 weeks. (Note i wrote this post on Thursday 10th May – thank you Mr Timestamp!).
I love blogging because it allows me to write and express myself in a manner i couldn’t otherwise. Updating this blog is never a chore however i always do everything i can to enjoy myself away from the pc.

I believe that this is especially true for bloggers who are lucky enough to make a living through their blogs. Up until 2003 (ie my first 3 years involved in the inernet) i never made more than about $15,000 in any one year so i also worked full time. I worked in on a few IT contracts but most of the time i worked in the finance industry. The switch from full time employment to full time self employment was a very happy one however i did miss the social element. I went from working in a building with over 1000 people where i had loads of friends to sitting in my bedroom in my boxers shorts working away like a busy bee. I slowly realised that it’s vital to get away from the pc when you can and enjoy life – be it going round to see a friend or going to the gym or whatever. Hell, didn’t we all try and make money on the net so that we can do what we want when we want!!
I’ve actually found that im more productive when im not always on the pc. Some of my best ideas come when im not sitting at the laptop rather than when im sitting 12 hours one day trying to rush everything in.
Your post quality will improve when you are happy in all aspects of life!
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy
So if your are ever stressed out with your blog remember :
  • If your a part time blogger, try and fit your blogging schedule around your life
  • If your a full time blogger, try and make sure you have a life!


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