10. The iTunes Media Store
9. AirPlay
8. Find My iPhone
7. A Better Support System
6. Better Battery Life and Management
5. iTunes and Tethered Syncing
4. No Crapware
3. A Bigger and Better Variety of Apps
2. A Well-Designed, Intuitive User Interface
1. Consistency
iOS is nothing if not consistent. When you pick up an iOS device, you know exactly what you’re getting. This shouldn’t come as a surprise from a company like Apple, who likes to control every aspect of their products. When it comes to receiving major feature updates, you get them on a fairly regular schedule. While there’s some update fragmentation with iOS, it’s only ever been between phones and tablets. With Android, it’s between the many, many different phones as well as fragmentation between phones and tablets. Knowing what you’re getting and that you’ll be receiving updates for at least the next two generations of devices increases the value of an iDevice long past the date of purchase.