RIM officially announced the presence of Blacberry 10 (BB10), you know previously RIM also announced the BBX (a combination of Blackberry OS and Playbook QNX OS)? So what’s the difference between BBX and Blackberry 10?
As we know the name of BBX is copyrighted by BASIS International, BBX short for Business Basic. Well, because of copyright issues, then RIM decided to change the name into the Blackberry BBX 10 (BB10). So if the first RIM mentions named BBX but is now changed toBlackberry 10.
As we know the name of BBX is copyrighted by BASIS International, BBX short for Business Basic. Well, because of copyright issues, then RIM decided to change the name into the Blackberry BBX 10 (BB10). So if the first RIM mentions named BBX but is now changed toBlackberry 10.